Spain: is the kingdom, located in the southwestern part of the European Manalgarh. Occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian Peninsula, which separates Africa Ngarh the Strait of Gibraltar linking the European continent and smooth the Pyrenees.
Geographical location
Limits of Spain, Portugal west, north-east of France and Andorra. It is everyone other entities sea: from the east and south of the Mediterranean and the Balearic Sea, north of the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay or Gasconia. Track the Kingdom of Spain the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the territory of Ceuta and Melilla disputed with Morocco. The official name of the Kingdom of Spain
The area of Spain Hawwalancef million square kilometers, making it the third European country in terms of area. Each participating Manalbertgal and Gibraltar and Andorra British Lying in the Iberian Peninsula. Overall, the spread highlands in the north and center of the country
Smooth Mountains Alberenckl natural border with France. Located Qmatadh (Pico del Teide) on Dzralknara and a height of 3,718 meters, the highest peak form Bzllk Spanish. Be Jblmulhesin (Mulhacén) actually part of a series of the Sierra Nevada South Artvaaaly higher land Spanish territory, registering a rise of 3,482 meters. The longest distance to the south of Hmalalblad of 856 km, while it is 1020 km from east to west. Eetmizahati southern bays in abundance, most notably Khalajkads.
Spain is the most important rivers Duero, Takhu and Ebro and Jawadlkver and Guadiana.
Date of Spain:
Indicate stone tools and the fee to the caves that man settled the Iberian Peninsula for more than 10,000 years. The Phoenicians established cities on the coasts. Then the Romans annexed to the empire, until conquered by the Visigoths (Visigoth) around the year 450 under the invasion of various Berber tribes of the empire Romania. The expulsion of the Visigoths Vandals Berber tribes in North Africa
Islamic conquest:
In the tenth century, and precisely in the year 711 AD. Began the Islamic conquest of Spain, led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, who defeated the king of the Goths at the Battle of "Valley of the network", and dissipated included his men, and in the following year Jund MUSABin Naseer what happened even recruited an army, and joined Tariq in the year 93 AH, and completed their opening Spain, which he called Muslims "Andalusia "However, Muslims have been subjected to a setback in 115 AH 0.732 m where were defeated in the battle of" Poitiers "at the hands of the Frankish king Charles Martel, and so stopped the Islamic crawl inside the European continent.
Remained this country subject to Umayyad Caliphate 39 years, and reached the height of its glory in the days of Abdel-Rahman, known as the "inside," but the era of the glories of this retreat where prevailed ranks of division, and weary of conflict, as easy on the armies of Castile restore Spain, and the placement of Granada, the last stronghold of the Muslims where in the year 1492. The year in which the Columbus where exploratory trip to America, to go around for Muslims, "Al-Andalus" final, after their power to subdue it for eight centuries.
The breakdown of the following:
. The rule of the Umayyad Caliphate Alamoah.oastmr rule in Andalusia for a period of time up to Hawwalaithamanyh centuries, until it fell of their state, and divided the King of Muslims in Andalusia and Spain entered Ahedmloc denominations. Campaigns started wars Recovery heavily by the CHRISTIANS of Iberia, and Aattabrōhahroba Salibiah sacred against Muslims. It is invoked Andalusians Balemrabtin Badhambalmouhdin repel the attacks of the CHRISTIANS. After losing the battle for the Unitarian punishment fell towns and Ahdhthelo other. I stayed for the Muslims of Andalusia Granada and its ENVIRONS. Merged with the Crown of Aragon Tajkastia consist of the Kingdom of Spain, became a member of the Kingdom of VALENCIA in the Spanish property. United Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Leon with the Kingdom of Aragon and managed King Vernandio and Alofhaasabella, grabbing Arab kingdoms in Andalusia, one after the other to Onsagtt in the hands of Granada last rules Muslims Year 1492.astmrt Kingdom of Granada centuries and Ncefmn time and fell in the year 1492 the year of a historic turning of the Kingdom of Spain The boys came out Mkethaaasabella wherein Columbus discovered the New World. The discovery of the New World Holaspaina to sit on the throne of the world became her strength of its glory and prestige in Alqrninav and XVII. When elevated «Philip II» throne of Spain, was the strongest Dolhfa the world, especially in-kind property and Almalah.bulg population of Spain late Alqrnav ten about nine million people, including slaves and Moroccans .. Spain was Bldaltzmt religious in that era. But Spain were not to have given up of internal tensions Tdfbaspaina into the abyss of poverty. It was one of the reasons that the expulsion of the Jews in the year / 1492 / Osmamuslimn Andalusians year / 1609 / Spain than the poorest of business experience and Alidamlh. Then add the expansion of Spain militarily, which mandated a lot of physical strength and Boukhashma accompanied this expansion of wars [1]. In the twenty-second of November 1975 declared King Juan Carlos of Spain after the death of Francisco Franco, and in his letter, expressed his thoughts Alawlyely nation calling for the restoration of democracy in the country. According to the amended Constitution in 1978, Spain became a social state of law and democracy under a parliamentary monarchy. Before Zlkkant under totalitarian rule under the rule of Franco
The political system:
According to the amended Constitution in 1978, Spain became state law Ajtmaihodamqratih under a parliamentary monarchy. Before that, it was under the rule of totalitarian rule under Franco. King and his Prime Minister and Fakhri is the de facto ruler of the country. Spanish Parliament (Cortes Generales) is divided into two chambers and one of the elders (Senado) and the number of members is 259 and another kind of Deputies (Congreso de los Diputados) and the number of members of 350 deputies. Antakbalokhir directly by the people every four years, while 51 are appointed member of the Senate and Antakbalbaqon of people also. Prime Minister and Ministers are appointed by the Alberlmanaatmada on the results of the parliamentary elections.
Spanish main parties:
1 People's Party (PP)
2. Alamalalachtraki Spanish party (PSOE)
3 left Union (IU)
4. Althalwaldemqrati of Catalonia (CiU)
5. Aloutnealbaski Party (EAJ-PNV)
6. left Algmehoraketalonea (ERC)
With a population of more than 40 million people constitute a majority of the Spanish population of the country, there Geliseh and Basque minorities.
Spanish is the official language in all parts of the country, while the language is Catalan, Basque and Algeliseh official languages in some areas. Aragonese languages and Alaranih are less prevalent and are used only within a limited number of Spaniards. Called the Spanish language originally language Casteh, and was the national language of the Kastellaan, believed to be originated in the Cordillera, in the north of Spain in the eighth and ninth centuries AD, after the recovery, grew language Alcasteh to southern Spain almost entirely and replaced the languages spoken by the Moorish in the region, such as Arabic, but, in this process, as happened powerful effects of these languages which absorbed gradually and eventually became known as the Spanish. In Spanish, the word (Castellano) is often used to refer to the Spanish language, as well espa & ntilde; ol Spanish
About 94% of the population are CHRISTIAN Catholics. Protestants, Muslims and Jews, a religious minority in Spain
Holidays and public holidays
Is Rosalesna calendar (the first of January), festival appearances (January 6), the Feast of Saint Joseph (19 March / March), festival of Passover, Feast of workers (1 May / May), National Day October 12 / October, Feast of All Saints (November 1), Constitution Day (6 December / December), night and holiday Christmas (25-26 December / December).
Dear tourists guide you:
Ospaana (formerly Andalus) diverse country in terms of where is famous Tabaabh Bdzrha Spain (Canary Islands) (Balearic Islands) ... In terms of green areas V_ihr Spain beauty of its territory, particularly in the north and north-east ... But she can snow in the mountains of Spain in the north some areas of the south and the beaches of Spain is on the one hand are the most popular from European countries where there are beaches and the beaches of the south shores of VALENCIA and Barcelona's beaches and shores of the Balearic Islands (frequented by more than 30 million tourists a year) and the Canary Islands.
In terms of historical monuments and Spain is a diverse country in terms of effects, we find Islamic monuments in Granada, Cordoba and Seville and Toledo and Hqhobeh, VALENCIA, Valladolid and Rabah Castle and the city of Salem and Randa
In terms of the Spanish people Vijto a lot when you thought that the Spanish people are one people in his language and printing for example, the people of Barcelona have their own language, a Catalan language which can not be understood by the Spaniards themselves, but the language Alospaah is the official language Vaketlanah used between the people of the region and the same thing in the area of Galicia and the Basque Country and VALENCIA Each of these areas to vary their mother tongue for the Spanish language.
That is why the Spanish people's tempers vary from one region to another, but the best Spanish,,, dealings with the Arabs are the peoples of the southern and central regions in Spain and we find a lot of Spaniards are proud of Arab descent
In terms of the best and most beautiful cities in Spain are:
Region of Andalusia, a region located in the south and here will give you a brief summary of the most important cities in the region of Andalusia in Spain
1 - Al-Andalus (Andalucia):
It is famous areas in Spain when the Arabs are of Islamic history the great famous Bashmesha and Basharaúha, traditions and Pfnnounaa popular history and Islamic heritage maintained by the fame when the Spaniards as a source of Arts Spanish in terms of dances, singing and most famous singers Spaniards from Andalusia, Andalusia current is not the Andalusia that we know Valondls in current geographic Spanish is a Spanish and South by 8 provinces are as follows:
1 Seville (Sevilla): third Spanish cities in terms of size located on the Guadalquivir River, is the capital region, the region of Andalusia by popular neighborhoods such as the neighborhood of Santa Cruz for the existence of effects out, especially Arab ones, and stand out among the effects of the Arab Kulakh ancient Arabic and Algiralda a minaret of the mosque, which was later transferred to the Tower of the Gothic cathedral bells, as well as the large GOLD tower overlooking the Guadalquivir River, which was a pillar fences built by the Unitarians around the city.
2 - Cordoba (Cordoba): also located on the valley of the great river north-east of Seville was the capital of the Islamic caliphate by the effects of such a wonderful Islamic Mosque of Cordoba and the short-Zahra, a city well-known, in the history of Islam
3 - Granada (grnada): occupies an excellent place at the foot of Mount Snow, the last Islamic cities fallen in Andalusia has the Alhambra Palace, which was built by the kings of BROWN Red, a gorgeous mansion is located on a high plateau punctuated by courtyards and magnificent gardens, fountains and yard black and Granada city of IML them Zaúrha.
4 Malaga (malga): a coastal city with a mild climate in winter overlooking the castle Arab huge known as the Casbah, and when you exit from Malaga on the west find beach sun (La Costa Del Sol), which includes places very famous and a tourist such as Marbella, a city abound where tourism, particularly in terms of Arab tourists, as well as Torremolinos, Vinjerla, our city, Asitbona, Mijas, Rhonda and other terms are characterized by beaches and ports.
5-Almería (almeria): is one of the cities that have maintained their Arab heritage with the greatest possible purity, and overlooking the Casbah Arab and beaches quiet and relatively isolated
In terms of other cities, for example, Cantabria region in the far north:
Cantabria (Cantabria): green is free of the most beautiful regions of Spain and its inhabitants are the oldest inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula and in this region there are great places high in the mountains called ((Santillana del Mar))
And its capital are:
Santander (Santander): one of the most attractive regions of Spain for tourists and the most beautiful, with a museum that CONTAINS oil paintings that date back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
As well as the city of Barcelona, which is rich from the definition:
_ Barcelona (Barcelona): the second most important Spanish cities after Madrid and most beautiful cities in Spain and its port is the most important port on the Mediterranean Sea and a lot of old buildings and a number of many museums and markets, highlighting the Gothic Quarter Pkatdraúath large and his municipality ancient as well as the work of the architect global Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona, who left the coolest buildings such as the Cathedral of the Holy Family, which did not end and built a garden Goel and Goel Palace and the house and other Batllo in Barcelona, and there are a large number of museums such as the Picasso Museum and the Museum of Catalan art
VALENCIA (VALENCIA): It is the capital of the province of VALENCIA, a world-famous celebration of San Jose and that the population of burning play a very big made of cardboard Stone represent scenes designed to critique the conditions of current and well-known personalities festive atmosphere and are burned in 19 of the month of March, and there are beaches distinctive loved the Spaniards, such as: (Beach cast) where there are tourist areas such as Oropesa that keeps what they call King Tower and Benicassim .oukria Peniscola located on a rocky overlook the castle from the Middle Ages.
Oliqnt (Alicante): overlooking the large Arab castle, which sees the whole city from the top and where palm trees abound and their beautiful beaches such as beach (for Acosta Blanca) and Beach (built Dharm) which I think is the beach preferred by the Spaniards themselves.
As well as:
Toledo (Toledo): It is well known for their great importance in Islamic history and the downfall is the beginning of the fall of Andalusia, the largest city CONTAINING the density of the archaeological and the effects of an Arab like the Mosque of Toledo and the effects of the CHRISTIANS and Jews and by the Art Museums of the graphics and the most important museum is located in a hospital in Santa Cruz old.
MADRID (Mejrat) (Madrid): It is the capital of Spain, a city FOUNDED by the Arabs in the ninth century of beautiful places in Madrid, Costa del Sol (Gate of the Sun) which is the densest neighborhood in the city of Madrid tourist They are active throughout the day and there are close to him major arena (Ma Mayor) as well as the yard Spain and through (WEDDING PIA) with frequent movement, restaurants and cafes, and in Madrid there is the Prado Museum (which is one of the museums most important in the world in terms of oil painting) and Madrid big city abound where places of hiking and there are theme parks are very large.
And keep track of the province of Madrid Alcala de Henares City (Alcala de Henares) where Cervantes was born a month writers Spaniards
As well as:
Hqhobeh (Segovia): there are very beautiful Arab castle called the Palace (Alcazar) and combine this city between nature and effects, beauty, fresh air and bring them mountains that are falling by the snow and surrounded by a wall and a summit in the art extravaganza
Salamanca (Salamanca): It is the capital of European culture is characterized by the presence of major arena, a beautiful yard at all in the whole of Spain that were not in all of Europe and by the University of Salamanca, which is one of the oldest universities in Europe cut River City Alturmes and their places of archaeological and historical many faces very cool and frequently by students from all over the world.
As well as:
Balearic Islands (Islas Baleares): It Her appetite tourist largest in Spain, a wonderful nature and beaches are characterized Pkhovha Navy are of a quiet atmosphere and is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is located by a small island called Cabrera, a free island where it goes to the tourists for camping but does this island population and the Balearic Islands are a 5 Islands, including:
Majorca (Mallorca): The harbor of the most important cities of the Mediterranean and its ancient buildings .oha Island more than wonderful.
Abetha (land) (Ibiza): a world-renowned big and I think that everyone has heard of it but do not know what is a high demand tourist tremendous namely the most expensive places in Spain and it requires actors, celebrities and families rich European and especially German their vacation. Their neighborhoods and great popularity.
As well as: - Canary Islands (Canarias): located in the Atlantic Ocean, well-known, go to the tourist without hesitation and even in the winter of gentleness and warmth faces abound where volcanic mountains climate is excellent warm dry even in the winter and the beauty of its beaches make it a major tourist areas in Spain, a committee characterized by natural geological formations and exotic plants with a very knowing that all the Canary Islands, a wonderful nature which is about 7 Islands is divided into two provinces, namely:
1 Tenerife (Tenerife): which includes Islands (Tenerife Tenerife,
La Palma La Palma, Gomera and La Gomera, Hierro and El Hierro). In the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife no Pico del Tidy (the highest place in Spain) and is a wonderful city which is very rich in museums and important buildings and cities such as Puerto de la Cruz the most important tourist center on the island and this island there Tidy Heights.
2 Las Palmas de WEDDING Canaria Las Palmas De Gran Canaria: include Islands (Gran Canaria Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura Fuerteventura, not Ntharota LANZAROTE). It is a wonderful natural beauty
Travel Guide
In terms of THE MARKETS in Spain in Spain Fasthr market Alchorta eels el corte engles a month and Spanish markets will do any of its branches in all the cities that I mentioned to you. In addition to the many markets and shops in all the streets of Spain.
In terms of atmosphere it differs depending on the region, we find a warm summer in the south (for them) and mild in the north.
In terms of prices in Spain is the cheapest of the European Union countries and the living is cheap.
In terms of HOTELS, there are many HOTELS in Spain, but depending on which city you want to visit,
In terms of entertainment venues V_ihr cities of Marbella and Sevilla and VALENCIAand a prolonged presence of the best theme park entertainment in the world, especially Seville, VALENCIA and Madrid.
In terms of tourist Spain is the best of times throughout the year, but the best of times in the months of July and August.
In terms of dealing with the Arab peoples Spaniards vary from one region to another. It will Tgdtaaml can not find in any other European country.
Since that will not be the same person respectable Atardilhi, and Spain is a SAFEcountry
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